Regeneron Establishes Regeneron Cell Medicines Through Acquisition of 2seventy Bio Platforms and Development Programs

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: REGN) has announced the establishment of Regeneron Cell Medicines, marking a strategic agreement with 2seventy bio, Inc. to acquire complete development and commercialization rights to its portfolio of novel immune cell therapies. This acquisition encompasses preclinical and clinical-stage programs, along with the associated discovery and clinical manufacturing capabilities. Employees supporting the acquired initiatives will join the newly formed Regeneron Cell Medicines unit, a dedicated research and development (R&D) division focused on advancing cell therapies and combination strategies in oncology and immunology.

George D. Yancopoulos, M.D., Ph.D., Board Co-Chair, Co-Founder, President, and Chief Scientific Officer of Regeneron, emphasized the shared commitment to scientific advancement between Regeneron and 2seventy. The integration of 2seventy’s pipeline and expertise will complement Regeneron’s capabilities in antibody technologies and genetics, paving the way for innovative immuno-oncology treatments.

Originally, Regeneron and bluebird bio entered an agreement in 2018, leading to the spin-off of 2seventy bio in 2021. Under the revised agreement, Regeneron gains full rights to 2seventy bio’s preclinical and clinical pipeline, with an upfront payment of $5 million and a single milestone payment upon the first major market approval. Regeneron will also pay a low single-digit percent royalty on generated revenues. The transaction is expected to conclude in the first half of 2024, contingent on specified closing conditions.

Regeneron Cell Medicines aims to harness the potential of these programs and capabilities, driving the development of the next generation of cell therapies and exploring synergies with Regeneron’s proprietary antibodies and bispecifics. Approximately 150 employees from 2seventy bio will transition to Regeneron, maintaining their presence in Cambridge, MA, and Seattle, WA. Upon closing, Philip Gregory, D.Phil., currently the Chief Scientific Officer of 2seventy bio, will be appointed Senior Vice President and Head of Regeneron Cell Medicines.

Philip Gregory expressed excitement about joining Regeneron, highlighting the enhanced execution capabilities for CAR T and T cell receptor programs. The collaboration is anticipated to create novel therapeutic avenues by combining cell-based medicines with Regeneron’s antibodies and other biologics, building on the organizations’ shared innovation-focused approach to benefit patients in need.

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