Sparrow Pharma Shares Phase 2 Trial Data on Clofutriben and Prednisolone for Polymyalgia Rheumatica at EULAR 2024

Sparrow Pharmaceuticals presented data from an ongoing Phase 2 trial of the HSD-1 inhibitor clofutriben (SPI-62) and prednisolone for polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) at EULAR 2024 in Vienna, Austria (June 12-15). The data suggest that HSD-1 inhibition can enable effective glucocorticoid treatment with fewer side effects.

In a highlighted session, “75th Anniversary of Glucocorticoids – What Have We Learnt?”, Sparrow’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. David Katz, discussed the impact of co-administering clofutriben with prednisolone on efficacy and glucocorticoid toxicity in PMR patients. Key findings include:

  • Prednisolone 10mg with clofutriben 6mg showed less efficacy than prednisolone 10mg with a placebo but improved prednisolone-related toxicities (bone formation and resorption biomarkers, lipidemia, and insulin resistance).
  • Prednisolone 20mg with clofutriben 6mg exhibited similar efficacy (in terms of symptoms, physical function, and systemic inflammation) to prednisolone 10mg with a placebo, while also improving markers of prednisolone toxicity.

Dr. Katz highlighted, “These new results suggest that HSD-1-derived glucocorticoids significantly affect tissues where glucocorticoid excess causes morbidity, and play a lesser role in the immune system where glucocorticoid medicines are effective. We hope future trials will confirm that prednisolone combined with clofutriben can be the safe and effective glucocorticoid treatment patients have awaited for over 75 years.”

For more information about Sparrow Pharmaceuticals and clofutriben (SPI-62), visit

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