Roche announces EMBARK trial in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) did not reach primary endpoint, but shows positive efficacy outcomes on all timed functional key endpoints
Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced today topline results from the global, randomised, double-blind Phase 3 EMBARK study of Elevidys™ (delandistrogene moxeparvovec) in ambulatory boys (those who can walk) with Duchenne muscular dystrophy aged 4-7 years. In the study, Elevidys-treated patients improved 2.6 points on their NSAA total score 52 weeks after treatment, compared to 1.9 points in placebo-treated patients (0.65; n=125; P=0.24).
In all pre-specified, timed functional key secondary endpoints, time to rise from floor and 10 metre walk test, clinically meaningful and statistically significant improvements were observed. Both endpoints are prognostic factors for disease progression and loss of ability to walk. Additionally, a clinically meaningful and statistically significant improvement was also observed for the pre-specified secondary endpoint stride velocity 95th centile. This novel digital endpoint, qualified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), measures speed of walking via a wearable device (Syde®). The time to ascend 4-steps secondary endpoint also demonstrated consistent treatment benefit in favour of Elevidys.
All data are being further analysed and will be discussed with health authorities to determine the path forward. Detailed results from the EMBARK study will be shared at an upcoming scientific congress and a medical journal publication will be pursued.
“High unmet need remains in Duchenne and we are encouraged by the consistent and meaningful results seen in all key secondary functional endpoints for Elevidys, an innovative gene therapy,” said Levi Garraway, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Medical Officer and Head of Global Product Development, Roche. “We will work to further analyse the EMBARK results and consult with health authorities as quickly as possible. We sincerely thank all the boys, their families and the wider Duchenne community involved in this important research effort.
Source link:https://www.roche.com/