Stevanato Group Announces Voting Results from its Extraordinary General Meeting
Stevanato Group S.p.A. (NYSE: STVN), a leading global provider of drug containment, drug delivery and diagnostic solutions to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and life sciences industries announced today that the resolution proposed to shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGM”) held virtually on October 4, 2023 was passed.
Details of the resolution submitted to, and approved by, the EGM are included in the explanatory report prepared by the Board of Directors of the Company, which is available on the Company’s corporate website at https://ir.stevanatogroup.com/shareholders-meetings.
The Shareholders resolved to delegate to the Board of Directors of the Company, pursuant to Article 2443 of the Italian Civil Code, the authority to increase the share capital in cash, in one or more occasions, also on a divisible basis pursuant to Article 2439 of the Italian Civil Code, within the term of October 4, 2028, for a maximum amount of Euro 350,000,000.00, including any share premium, by issuing ordinary shares, with no par value, carrying full dividend rights, in one or more tranches, to be offered by excluding the Company’s existing shareholders’ pre-emptive right pursuant to Article 2441, Paragraph 4, second sentence, of the Italian Civil Code (and, therefore, within the limit of 10% of the overall number of Company’s shares currently outstanding